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Unlocking the Joy of Teaching
A Practical & Effective Classroom Management Program
For Administrators, Teachers, & Parents
To Elevate their Procedures, Routines, & Relationships
Producing Amazing Skills & Dramatically Lifted Outcomes
Nobody becomes a teacher for the Joy of Classroom Management.
But without it, you cannot experience the Joy of Teaching!
A Peak Inside a Setting Limits Workshop
30% of class time is spent on behavior issues.
However, the number one problem is NOT discipline.
It's a lack of structure, routines, and relationships.
At Setting Limits We Believe
that discipline is NOT a dirty word and that
consequences do NOT need to hurt to be effective!
At Setting Limits We Teach
How to master procedures & routines to prevent management issues before they arise
How to enforce logical and fair consequences, hold students accountable, & end power struggles for good
How to fix disproportionately harmful, but all too common, mistakes that teachers make with classroom management
​How to implement effective and practical strategies that work with even the most challenging students
At Setting Limits We Deliver
​✓ Positive classroom cultures where all students feel safe, respected, & connected
✓ Substantially reduced referrals & suspensions by empowering teachers to equitably handle 95% of behavior issues in class
✓ Stronger teacher job satisfaction and retention rates
✓ Happier students, staff, and families
✓ Alignment between administrators, teachers, & staff on MTSS practices
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